TINT started out as a research centre in the philosophy of the social sciences in 2006. In 2012-2017, we enjoyed a Centre of Excellence funding from the Academy of Finland and the University of Helsinki.

Having established TINT as a leading centre for the philosophy of the social sciences, we will continue our thriving research with an updated research agenda: Changing Science in Changing Society (CSCS). CSCS will address three interrelated and overlapping themes. [1] Science of Society: methodological analyses of current social science and philosophical reflections on the implications of new scientific results. [2] Science as Society: philosophical analyses of the social institutions of science, considering the implications of adopting new reward systems and of extending research communities to incorporate artificial agents and members from multiple disciplines or extra-academic communities. [3] Science for Society: methodological and normative analyses of the role of scientific evidence and expertise in responsible policy-making, in problem-oriented participatory research, and in the public trust in science.

"While there is a general trend toward science-based policy, science policy all too often remains an exception in not being science-based." (um)
